New BYU–Hawaii president addresses PCC team

[Reprinted from the Center’s September 2007 newsletter]

President Wheelwright 2007

New BYU-Hawaii President Steven C. Wheelwright told the PCC ‘ohana at the September 21, 2007, Team Meeting (in the Center’s large-format theater) that “you can help bless the lives of our students way beyond pay and jobs.”

Two themes that need to be reemphasized: The former Stanford and Harvard graduate business school professor explained how in his first three months on campus he has identified two themes “that have always been there,” but need to be re-emphasized:

  • “We need to integrate both spiritual and secular learning in all we do on the campus. I would admonish that needs to be applied here as well,” he said. “People need to feel the Spirit confirming the truths of what we teach.”
  • “We need to prepare our students so that they have the character and integrity they need to provide leadership in their homes, community, Church and profession, in building the Kingdom.”

…and two imperatives: From these themes, President Wheelwright said he has derived two imperatives:

  • “We need to continue to improve all aspects of the educational experience.”
  • “We need to significantly lower the costs to the Church of that education.”

“But we want to make sure we continue to support the students,” he continued, listing three focuses for the current school year:

Teach good works habits, outstanding performance, responsibility and accountability: Pointing out that the university employs over 1,100 students, while PCC has over 800 student workers, President Wheelwright said, “Our goal is to provide meaningful work and associated training that will help develop character and integrity and enable them to become trusted leaders in all they do. We need to teach the habits of good work, of outstanding performance, of responsibility and accountability while our students are working for us.”

“Our jobs on campus complement the things we are teaching in the classroom, and I would hope your jobs here do it. I actually think you’re probably ahead of us in many respects, which we’re grateful for; but I’m sure, together, we’ll be able to do even better.”

Under the spirit: President Wheelwright stressed that the students also need to “understand the spirit and not just the letter of the Honor Code. We need to help them. Think of every encounter with a student as a teaching opportunity.”

“They need to know the truths that you know, the things that you’ve learned over time,” he added. “That’s one of the great blessings that you can give to our students.”

“What you train them to do, what you teach them to do, what you help them learn about true principles — all of those can be a great blessing, and I’m grateful for that.”

The Center and BYUH are unique: PCC President Orgill responded briefly by noting BYU-Hawaii and the PCC “are unique and special in so very many ways. Part of the reason is because they’re a part of the work of the Lord in these latter days. Part of the preparation of the students is that everything revolves around them: Everything has been designed to their growth, benefit and preparation for their future responsibilities.”

“Everything that we’ve heard from President Wheelwright is focused on that end, and I know that each of you are dedicated to those very same purposes.”