News media from around the world have been reporting on the Polynesian Cultural Center and events happening here since before it opened in October 1963. In addition, the Center’s own communications, and sales and marketing people, as well as our advertising and PR agencies have also issued hundreds of thousands of press releases and distributed collateral material around the world, while our superlative Promo Team and other promotional groups have personally appeared around the world, helping spread the Polynesian Cultural Center’s stories.
It’s impossible to estimate how many hundreds of millions of impressions all these efforts have made — perhaps more than a billion (because some media in Asia alone have audiences of 300 million-plus).
We’ve selected the following as samples for your enjoyment and to jog your memories:

PCC helps dedicate Waikiki Convention Center
A promotional team from the Polynesian Cultural Center participated in the dedication of the new Hawaii Convention Center in Waikiki on June 11, 1998.

PCC honors Tonga’s late queen mother
Tongans at the Polynesian Cultural Center draped the queen’s summer palace in the Tongan Village in mourning the death of Her Majesty Queen Mother Halaevalu Mata’aho, who passed away at age 90 on February 19, 2017.

Center, BYUH forge closer ties to Iosepa
The Polynesian Cultural Center and BYU–Hawaii have recently entered into a new agreement in which the PCC will take a bigger role with the BYUH’s 57-foot traditional sailing canoe, the Iosepa.

Tongan lashing expert brings skills to PCC
Filipe Tohi, a Tongan lashing expert, was brought in to help with the Center’s Tongan Village renovation in 2016.

The “Soul of the Seafarer” and Mark Lee
Everyone knows about the BYU–Hawaii Iosepa canoe in the PCC’s Hawaiian Village . . . but did you know there’s a new 24-foot training canoe patterned after the Iosepa that’s recently been added to the “fleet.”