service missionaries
Missionaries (and countless volunteers) have played key roles at the Polynesian Cultural Center even before it was dedicated on October 12, 1963 (and opened to the public two days later). For instance, labor missionaries built the Center and many of the earliest village and cultural leaders were “called” to serve in Laie by their respective Church leaders.
Since the 1980s, over 500 individuals, including couples, have donated their time and talents in practically every area and Center department. Some of those with particular skills were “drafted,” others contacted us first to “volunteer.” Some were recommended by friends who had served here, some retired from the Center but stayed on as voluntary missionaries, and some served more than once.
The following rosters are basically divided into decades according to their starting date. Missionaries are then sorted, first by ascending order of the year in that decade they began, then alphabetical order where multiple missionaries began in the same year. Searches can be done by decade, last name, or even areas of service.
WE NEED YOUR HELP, PLEASE: In some cases we are missing information and photos. If you can help us fill in any of these blanks, please submit the missing info and/or attach photos as a comment so we can make this record more historically accurate. MAHALO.
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 2000s
- 2010s
- 2020s
1980s Service Missionaries

Ivin & Pearl Gee
The Gees, from Lander, Wyoming, are believed to be the first senior missionaries officially called by the Church Missionary Department to serve at the Polynesian Cultural Center. They helped work out some of the details of their mission: For example, Sister Gee designed and sewed their own 19th-century-style “uniforms.” They also shipped their own late-model Cadillac to Oahu, and they lived in the Temple View Apartments (TVA), but they were not assigned to any particular ward. (His journal tells of how they enjoyed attending a variety of wards.) Elder Gee passed away in 2005, and Sister Gee died in 2007.

Clifton Carfol Treglown
The Treglowns are from West Jordan, Utah. Elder Treglown also served as a young missionary and was called as a mission president in Samoa (1990) while he and Sister Treglown were still at the PCC. (He passed away in 2019).

Gilbert & Maybelle Wellisch
1988 – Mission Settlement
1990s Service Missionaries

David & June Crockett
1990 – Mission Settlement
The Crocketts, who are from Salt Lake City, Utah, previously served as senior missionaries in the Church’s Natural Resources Division, cataloging and documenting water wells in the Intermountain West.

Dorene & Owen Ford
1990 – Mission Settlement & PCC history project
The Fords, who are from Arizona, were assigned to the Mission Settlement. He was a former civil engineer with the Arizona State government, so he was also assigned to work in that area at the Center, and Sister Ford also worked on the PCC history project.

Boyd & Dorothy Newman
1990 – Maintenance/Mission Settlement
Elder Newman, an electrical engineering consultant, also served with his wife in the Mission Settlement. They are from Seattle, Washington.

John & Unita Welch
1991 – Assignment areas not listed
HELP NEEDED with more info: The Welches returned to La Canada, California, after serving at the Center for 21 months.

Tyrrell & Lorraine Furse
1992 – Preventative Maintenance / Mission Settlement, and Admin Building Guest Services

Ardean & Lillian Hinton
1993 – Special Projects / Admin Office
The Hintons are from Bountiful, Utah. (More info, please, if anyone knows.)

Paul & Lois Wilson
1993 – Marketing / Business Office
Elder Wilson, a retired international Eastman Kodak executive, worked closely with the PCC sales and marketing team. Their son, Christopher Wilson, also worked for the PCC MIS department. Their late daughter-in-law, Patricia Hutihuti, and granddaughters Patricia and Kiana Wilson also performed at the Center. The Wilsons returned for a second assignment in 1995, soon after they completed the first one, during which time Elder Wilson acted as the marketing director. Sister Willson passed away (2019), and he now lives in St. George, Utah. He is also listed in a senior athletes hall of fame for tennis and golf.

Edgar & Carrie Barber
1994 – Maintenance/Mission Settlement
Elder and Sister Barber are from Virginia. He was an engineer. [More info, if known, please.]

Keith & Marion Carroll
1995 – Mission Settlement
The Carrolls are from Salt Lake City, Utah. [MORE INFO, please]

1997 – MORE INFO needed
[MORE INFO, please]

1997 – MORE INFO needed
[MORE INFO, please]

Henry & Aurora Florence
1997 – [MORE INFO needed]

1997 – Mission Settlement [MORE INFO needed]

Terry Kanahele
1997 – Mission Settlement
A former BYU–Hawaii student employee, Sister Kanahele later served as a volunteer missionary in the Mission Settlement.

1997 – [MORE INFO needed

Lucy Unga
1997 – Quilter & Weaver
Sister Unga originally came from Samoa. After a long career at the Center, she retired and then served as a senior missionary.
2000s Service Missionaries

Terry & Nadine Allen
2001 – Physical Facilities/Human Resources and PCC History Project
The Terry and Nadine Allens live in Phoenix. He worked for Honeywell. She was originally from Salt Lake City, where she worked in a variety of media sales, marketing and promotional jobs.

Joseph & Beth Baugh
2001 – Mission Settlement
Elder and Sister Baugh came from Murray, Utah

Ben & Renee Blackburn
2001 – Maintenance/Culinary Services
Elder and Sister Blackburn are from Price, Utah.

Gary & Margaret Carver
2001 – Human Resources/PCC History Project
Elder and Sister Carver are from Pleasant Hill, California

Eileen Clawson
2001 – Executive Office reception
Sister Clawson is from Provo, Utah

Allen & Doreen Hendrickson
2001 – Maintenance/Mission Settlement
The Hendricksons met while students at Ricks College (now BYU-Idaho) in the early 1950s

Karl & Marge Jenkins
2001 – Human Resources
The Jenkins are from Meadow, Utah, and Syracuse, New York. He retired as a US Marine with 21 years of service, and also worked as an employment specialist for 20 years with the New York State Department of Labor. She worked as a legal secretary and then became a foster mother to many different children. They previously served a mission at the PCC in 2010, and also in South Africa, Papua-New Guinea and New Zealand.

Bryon & Marianne Jenson
2001 – Maintenance/Business Office
Elder Jensen previously worked as a newspaper pressman and owned a home repair business.

Robert & Carole Jones
2001 – PCC Retail Sales
The Jones were called from Ninilchik, Alaska. He was a former Air Force officer, high school teacher, and owned and operated a family guide business and inn. She was a homemaker, and assisted with the family business.

Carlton & Sharon Judkins
2001 – Culinary Services/Islands Office
The Judkins are from Rexburg, Idaho.

June & reed Morrison
2001 – Mission Settlement
The Morrisons are from Terreton, Idaho. He retired from the Union Pacific Railroad, and she retired from the Pocatello Railroad Credit Union. They previously served in the Tampa Florida Mission, at the LDS Humanitarian Center in Salt Lake City, and at the PCC in 2000-2001.

Wayne & Ardith Peterson
2001 – Nursery/Guest Services and Mission Settlement
Elder Peterson worked for about 40 years in the milk industry — about half of that time as a truck driver and mechanic. Sister Peterson was a private piano and organ teacher with almost 20 years of administrative service at Snow College. They are from Ephraim, Utah.

Clifford & Olive Price
2001 – Mechanic/Mission Settlement
Elder Price owned and operated a heavy equipment business for 20 years at Bear Lake, Utah (in addition to ranching). Sister Olive Price, a home health nurse and homemaker. He and Sister Olive Price are from Deweyville, Utah.

Edward & Noatia Soliai
2001 – Samoan Village
The Soliais were originally from American Samoa, but moved years ago to Hauula.

Bernard & Idella Starkey
2001 – Culinary Services/Guest Services
The Starkeys came from Troy, Michigan.

Darrell & Arlene Waite
2001 – Mission Settlement
The Waites are from Logandale, Nevada.

Robert & Joan Watson
2001 – Maintenance/Human Resources
The Watsons are from Twin Falls, Idaho.

James & Kathy Claridge
2002 – Landscaping and Plant Nursery
Elder Claridge taught plant & soil science and landscape design for 30 years at Mesa Community College (in Arizona) before serving twice as a senior missionary at the PCC (the second mission, the Iosepa Project in 2007). Sister Claridge was a school nurse in California and Arizona. “The experience at the PCC has been the highlight of our lives, having the cultural experiences there, meeting and making new friends for the rest of our lives.” (Sister Claridge passed away in 2010.)

Lamar & Loraine Price
2002 – Mechanic/Museum Stores and Circle Island Luncheon
The Price served at the center after completing their first mission in February of 2002. They are from Downey, Idaho.

John & Matilda Andrade
2002 – Human Resources & Maintenance/Ali’i Luau
The Andrades, who are originally from Hawaii, were “called” after moving back to Laie.

Wallace Barrus
2003 – Photographer
Elder “Wally” Barrus, a retired BYU emeritus professor of photography and cinematography from Provo, Utah, provided his skills to both PCC and BYU–Hawaii (where his wife, Shirlene Barrus, also served). He got his start in photography while serving in the U.S. Navy, taught for over 40 years at BYU, and was involved in creating many Church-related movies over the years through the BYU Motion Picture Studio. Elder Barrus passed away in 2019. In addition to their service in Laie, he and Shirlene also volunteered at Southern Virginia University, Dixie University, and Snow College.

Lanier Britsch
2003 – PCC History Project
Elder Britsch, who served as a young mission in Hawaii, is a history professor emeritus from BYU, a former executive administrator at both BYU and BYU–Hawaii, and author of several history books about the Church in Asia and the Pacific. (The late Sister Britsch volunteered her time teaching English to international students at BYUH.)

Bruce & Jackie Chalman
2003 – Physical Facilities and Civil Engineering/Mission Settlement
Elder and Sister Chalman are from Parowan, Utah.

Norman & Carolyn Faldmo
2003 – Operations/Culinary Services and Mission Settlement
The Faldmos are from Orem, Utah (and also St. George). He was previously in charge of planning, construction, and maintenance of Church schools in South America, Mexico, and the Pacific. In addition to being a homemaker, she also taught at several Utah Valley high schools.

Jerry & Ivy Lawrence
2003 – Mission Settlement
The Lawrences are from Farmington, Utah.

Louise & Boyd Nash
2003 – PCC History Project/Human Resources
The Nashes are from Corvallis, Oregon. Elder Nash retired from the U.S. Bureau of Mines in Albany, Oregon. Not long after that, he and Sister Nash served a Family History Mission in Salt Lake City, before being called to the PCC.

Lynn & Hilda Widdison
2003 – Culinary Services/Mission Settlement
The Widdisons are from Moses Lake, Washington.

Reed & Karen Bindrip
2004 – Motor Pool/Seamstress
Though raised in Logan, Utah, Elder Bindrip gained his early experience on a farm in Idaho, served in the military during the Korean conflict, served as a young missionary in South Australia. Sister Bindrip grew up on a Wyoming dairy farm, then in Logan. She was a homemaker and helped with the family machining business for over 30 years, before retiring and being called to the PCC. They live in Providence, Utah.

Gordon & June Booth
2004 – Quality Assurance/Mission Settlement
Elder Booth is a statistician who taught at Iowa State U., worked for large companies, government agencies, and ran his own analysis business. Sister Booth, who helps him in the mornings, spends her afternoons in the Mission Settlement. The Booths are from South Ogden, Utah.

Paul & Kathleen Conover
2004 – PCC Farm
When he wasn’t operating his own mechanics and welding business in Ferron, Utah, where they lived, the Conovers took a break from his 90-acre farm to help “jump start” the PCC farm (on the Hauula side) as well as an additional 14-acre coconut grove.

James & Coralee Ellis
2004 – Culinary Services
The Ellises, who had previously operated several of their own restaurants, also worked in various capacities for the Marriott organization, including they both helped open the first Marriott hotelinm 1955. They are from Fairfax, Virginia, and previously served a proselyting mission in London, England.

Emaline & Tony Fonoti
2004 – Samoan Village
Originally from Samoa, the Fonotis came to Hawaii in 1990 to attend BYU–Hawaii and now live in Hauula. Several of their children have been outstanding athletes.

Tom & Dalane Miller
2004 – Mission Settlement
The Millers, who are from Ogden, Utah, also served a part-time service mission on Temple Square for six-and-a-half years.

Kent & Shana Olson
2004 – Human Resources/Painter
Elder Olson’s life story includes several amazing miracles. He retired nine years earlier as a “big shovel” operator at Kennecott copper mine in Utah. Sister Olson grew up in Mackay, Idaho, and Holladay, Utah, until her family bought a chicken farm in Draper, Utah.

Barbara & Verlin Orton
2004 -Seamstresses and Mission Settlement/Finish Carpentry
The Ortons live in Aloha, Oregon, had previously visited PCC “many times,” and were thrilled to serve here.

Jeannine & Merlyn Pack
2004 – Mission Settlement/ Maintenance
The Packs are from Lehi, Utah. She grew up in Cedar Fort on a farm, and he grew up doing lots of farm work with his family. He started doing construction work in junior high school, worked for Jacobsen Construction Co. as a superintendent and project manager, and received the Building of the Year Award in 2000 and Superintendent of the Year Award in 2003.

Elaine & Jerry Petersen
The Petersens live in Salt Lake City, Utah. Elder Petersen, who grew up in Nebraska, was a former member of the Tabernacle Choir and has traveled extensively. He worked in the insurance industry for 32 years. After their children were grown and her husband retired, Sister Petersen earned a degree in speech-language pathology and worked in the Jordan School District for almost 10 years.

Barbara & Verlin Orton
2004 -Seamstresses and Mission Settlement/Finish Carpentry
The Ortons live in Aloha, Oregon, had previously visited PCC “many times,” and were thrilled to serve here.

Charlene & Larry Tolpi
2004 – Business Improvement Projects
Both of the Tolpis were born in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and met in a courtship and marriage class at the former Rick’s Colelge (now BYU Idaho). After their children were grown, Sister Tolpi earned a degree in education and worked as a substitute teacher. Elder Tolpi was a chemical engineer who worked for DuPont for 40 years. They lived in Virginia during those years and now live in St. George, Utah.

Janeal & Ronald Bottema
2005 –PCC Warehouse
The Bottemas are from Portland, Oregon. He previously worked for Reynolds Aluminum for 30 years, and she spent 28 years as an executive secretary and transportation supervisor for 150 drivers in the Hillsboro School District.

Charles & Cheryl Edgington
2005 – Electrical maintenance/Mission Settlement
Elder Edginton worked as a water and power company manager in Los Angeles for 32 years before retiring. The couple live in Glendora, California, and previously served a senior mission in Baltimore.
Sister Edginton returned again to serve at the PCC in 2014. She was assigned to Human Resources.

Bruce & sally Johnson
2005 – Culinary Maintenance/Mission Settlement
The Johnsons lived in Stevensville, Montana. She was a professional artist (acrylics and oil paints), a self-taught chocolatier, and also taught “gifted” student programs in Utah and Montana for 18 years.

Patricia & Charles Johnson
2005 – Mission Settlement/Physical Facilities
Elder Johnson, a civil engineer for almost 40 years, recalled living in Hawaii as a boy during WWII (when his father worked in the Civil Service for the Navy). Sister Patricia Johnson was a teacher for many years, and has also been a professional actress.

Cathy & John Krahenbuhl
2005 – Guide Services and Islands Office/Electrical Maintenance
Elder Krahenbuhl took a sabbatical from a family-owned business to serve at the Center. She worked for the family business too, and also as a court clerk for Bluffdale City in Utah, where they live.

Sharol & Ray Marchant
2005 – Wardrobe and Mission Settlement/ Motor Pool
Elder Marchant recently retired as a HR manager at Hill AFB, but learned his mechanical skills in the Army and on his 300-acre “hobby farm.” Sister Marchant taught school in Cache Valley, Utah, after their children were grown. The Marchants live in Smithfield, Utah.

Janeal & Ronald Bottema
2005 -Safety Director/First Aid
Elder Michael Phillips, who has 25 years of law enforcement experience, and Sister Phillips are from Fort Benton, Montana. Some may remember Elder Phillips wore a lavalava every day. They previously served as senior missionaries at the St. George Temple Visitors’ Center.

Calvin & Joy Reynolds
2005 – Physical Facilities
Sister Reynolds also worked part-time in Physical Facilities, and at the Mission Settlement. Elder Calvin Reynolds retired from a family-owned earth moving and construction business, They live in Murray, Utah. They previously served a four-and-a-half-year part-time mission at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City.

Ronald & Beatrice New
2005 – Physical Facilities
Elder and Sister Tew, who are from Salt Lake City, Utah, previously served in the Baltimore Maryland Mission office. He also attended BYUH as a younger man and lived for a while in Kona.

Sue & Kent adams
2006 – Maintenance and Guest Services/Electrician
Elder Kent Adams was assigned to Physical Facilities, and Sister Sue Adams divided her time between the Maintenance and Guest Services offices. He retired as an electrical contractor after 35 years, and she previously worked as a bookkeeper in manufacturing companies and credit unions. They live in Aumsville (near Salem), Oregon.

Leon & April Bardsley
2006 – Painting/Mission Settlement
The Bardsley had been living in St. George, Utah, where he retired as a Church facilities manager. They previously lived on Widby Island, Washington.

Calvin & Joy Reynolds
2006 – Islands Office, Mission Settlement
Sister Bateman, from Provo, Utah, had to get special permission when she first began serving at the PCC at age 86. She was assigned to the Islands Office and the Mission Settlement, where she shared her quilting skills. After her first PCC mission, she returned three other times as a volunteer and even after finally returning to Provo, she continued sewing and donating her Hawaiian quilts to the Center at the rate of about one per week. She and her late husband previously served as senior public affairs missionaries in Sydney, Australia, Hanoi, Viet Nam, and Honolulu, Hawaii. She was also a part-time missionary hostess for nine years at the Joseph F. Smith Memorial Building in Salt Lake City.

Gale & Bonnie Bryce
2006, 2011 – Quality Assurance/Mission Settlement
The Bryces are from Orem, Utah, served their second mission at the Polynesian Cultural Center. In 2006, and again in 2011, he was the Quality Assurance team leader. He retired from BYU in Provo after 33 years as a statistician during which time he consulted across the world. Sister Bryce previously operated her own residential interior design business.

Carol & Richard Chase
2006 – Physical Facilities Warehouse
The Chases are formerly of Pocatello, Idaho, and now live in Syracuse, Utah. They previously served a proselyting/office mission in Rome, Italy. Elder Chase spent 24 years in the Army Reserve, and their family owned a greenhouse and nursery business for 45 years. Sister Chase worked in the family business and also raised llamas.

Robert & Billie Dewey
2006 – Physical Facilities/Islands office and Mission Settlement
Elder Dewey is a mechanical engineer who retired after 41 years of service with an electronic controls company. Sister Dewey, a homemaker, later worked as an instructional aide and in a marketing and PR firm. The couple is from Chino Hills, California.

Lynne & Bill Draney
2006 – Retail Stores/Physical Facilities
Elder Draney was a former accountant and CPA who previously worked for Disney before developing several recreational businesses of his own, and Sister Draney, was primarily a homemaker who also operated several of her own businesses. They are from Washington (near St. George), Utah.

Keawe & Millie Enos
2006 – Carvers/Mission Settlement
During their third senior mission at the PCC. They previously served twice in the Hawaiian Village (2001). The Laie couple both retired as school teachers in the community, and Sister Enos worked for more than 10 years as one of the Hawaiian kūpuna night show dancers. They are the parents of Valerie Enos Grace, wife of PCC’s president and CEO.

George & Louann Greenwood
2006 – Maintenance construction/Mission Settlement and PCC History Project
Elder Greenwood owned a construction business foucsed on commercial development and renovations They live in Draper, Utah.

Donald & Paulette Hall
2006 – Physical Facilities/Guides
Elder Hall worked as a millwright for many years in the plywood industry in the Pacific Northwest, and Sister Hall, a Licensed Practical Nurse worked in health services. Like other senior missionaries, they also helped in Culinary Services at least six nights/month.

Jerry & Kay Grover
2006 – Carpentry/Business Office
Elder Grover taught industrial arts at Church College of Hawaii (1960–’68) and then became a BYU professor of technology, retiring after more than 30 years there. She was primarily a homemaker. They previously served a proselyting/leadership mission in Harrisburg, PA. The Grovers now live in Spanish Fork, Utah.

Camille & Michael Huntsman
2006 – Human Resources/Physical Facilities
The couple lived in Ferron (near Price), Utah, where he was a construction and maintenance supervisor for the Emery County School District and also ran his own contracting business. She was a homemaker, and also worked as a home health nurse.

Sue & Royle Johnson
2006 – Culinary Services office and Mission Settlement/MIS
Sister Johnson, a retired speech therapist for the San Juan School District near Sacramento, California, taught ukulele in the Mission Settlement — something she learned while a member of the BYU Samoan Club in the 1950s. The couple live in the Sacramento area.

Lilly & Earl Kahalehili
2006 – Mission Settlement
The Kahalehilis, who are Hawaiian, were called from Kailua, Oahu (and also serv at the Laie Hawaii Temple). Originally from Honolulu and Molokai, they lived in Southern California for 40 years before moving back “home.” Elder Kahalehili, retired from the U.S. Marine Corps after 30 years, and Sister Kahalehili retired from the US Postal Service after 37 years. They also served with the Cambodian Branch in the Irvine Stake in Santa Ana, California.

Caroline & Earl Larsen
2006 – Culinary Services
The Larsens are from Orem. He was previously a dining services manager at BYU for 15 years, and helped feed missionaries in the MTC there for another seven years. Prior to that, he worked as a television engineer in Hollywood. Sister Larsen worked in off-campus housing at BYU and was also a mediator for 23 years.

Diane & Heber Lloyd
2006 – Islands Office/Sales & Marketing
Prior to coming to Laie, Elder Lloyd worked in LDS Philanthropies and also spent 33 years at ZCMI department stores. Sister Lloyd (who also served at the Laie Hawaii Temple Visitors’ Center) was primarily a homemaker.

Fetalaiga Nāutu
2006 – Samoan Village
Sister Nautu, who is originally from from Sapapali’i, Savai’i, Samoa, and was one of the original PCC workers in 1963, now lives Hauula, Oahu. (She also served part-time in the Laie Hawaii Temple).

Moana & Faleola Ofahegnaue
2006 Weavers/Groundskeeping
Both Ofahengaues retired from working fulltime for the Polynesian Cultural Center, and then continued in their respective areas of expertise as senior missionaries: Elder O was in the PCC Nursery, and Sister O was an excellent weaver. In their younger lives, she worked as a nurse in Tonga, and he operated several small businesses. They migrated to Hawaii in 1977 so he could attend BYU–Hawaii. They now live in Hauula.

Howard & Jean Okimoto
2006 – Mission Settlement
The Okimotos lived in Laie for 20 years across the street from the Temple before moving to Kaneohe. He was a public school principal in Kahuku and Kailua, more recently working with BYU–Hawaii student teachers; and she was a teacher for 30 years at Hauula and Laie Elementary Schools.

Ray & Ku'ulani Reynolds
2006 – Hawaiian Village
The Reynolds are Hawaiians who now live in Waimanalo, Oahu, but previously lived in Santa Rosa, California, for over 40 years before returning “home.” Elder Reynolds retired from law enforcement. Sister Reynolds was a Church College of Hawaii student in 1962, who recalled dancing in the Polynesian Panorama group that pre-dated the PCC.

Steve & Joan Shoemaker
2006 – Physical Facilities/Human Resources
Elder Shoemaker formerly taught high school industrial arts for 31 years, ending in El Cajon, California, where he also served on the city council and the planning commission. Sister Shoemaker is originally from Connecticut, but moved to California at age 12. She was also active in city government in El Cajon, and was elected as mayor for two terms, starting in 1990.

Raymond Tatton
2006 – Physical Facilities and Culinary Services
Elder Tatton, a young service missionary, is from Draper, Utah, who among other things learned to operate some of the heavy equipment at the Center and pour cement.

Mike & Cathy U'ren
2006 – Fire safety/Seamstresses and Mission Settlement
Elder U’ren retired after 27 years as an engineering manager for Intermountain Health Care at various locations in Utah County. She was primarily a homemaker, but also owned a home-based hand-quilting business for 25 years.

Fred & Dorothy Christian
2007 – CAD/Mission Settlement and Mail Room
The Christians, who are from Citrus Heights, California, previously served twice as volunteers at Hawaii Reserves, Inc. He is a design engineer, and she stresses he was not retired yet. She has primarily been a homemaker.

Donna Haycock
2007 – Admin offices and Mission Settlement
Sister Haycock, who is from Spokane, Washington, previously served as a senior missionary with her late husband. Though she was already 83 when she applied to go again, she followed the example of another PCC senior missionary, Sister Helen Bateman, who was three years older than her.

Dorothy & Larry Hill
2007 – Mission Settlement
Elder Hill retired two years earlier from the Franklin Covey organization, and she worked part-time for an insurance agent/broker. They Hills came from St. George, Utah (after previously living in Bountiful.

Fred & Dorothy Christian
2007 – Human Resources/Air conditioning
After retiring from their own business in 2001, the Johnsons served as senior missionaries in Vanuatu, part of the Suva Fiji Mission. They also later served in the Lima Peru Temple. They are from Mesa, Arizona.

Kathy & Ladd Jones
2007 – Islands Office and Mission Settlement/Financial Analyst
Elder Jones recently retired after 33 years from a company that mainly did government contracting, but he has also worked as a CFO and an accounting officer for several national companies. Sister Jones has primarily been a homemaker. They live in Santa Clarita, California.

Gene & Carolyn Powell
2007 – Marketing/Mission Settlement
The Powells come from Thousand Oaks, California, where he worked for a variety of large companies before retiring. In the mornings, Sister Powell helps teach English to international students at BYU–Hawaii.

Gladys Pualoa-Ahuna
2007 – Mission Settlement
Sister Pualoa-Ahuna served her second mission at the Center in the Mission Settlement (she and her late husband, Elder Joe Ahuna also served in the Mission Settlement in 2002; and they served half of another senior mission in Auckland, New Zealand, and the other half in the Cook Islands. Sister Pualoa-Ahuna retired as the U.S. Postmaster in Laie. Her Hawaiian family has lived in area for many generations.

Ann Watson
2007 – Culinary Services
Sister Watson of Laie served back-to-back senior missions in the Culinary Services department. She previously worked for the Veteran’s Administration as a personnel management specialist, and also holds several licenses in mental health and rehabilitation counseling.

Sandra & Darrell Wight
2007 – Customer Service, Human Resources, Mission Settlement/MIS
Elder Wight was a mechanical engineer for 32 years with Hewlett-Packard. The couple comes from Fort Collins, Colorado.

Marlo & Sherry Wilcox
2007 – Quality control/Human Resources
The Wilcoxes retired just before leaving their home in Farmington, Utah. He was most recently firector of human resources for the State of Utah’s education department, and she worked as a secretary in the First Presidency’s office for 16 years.

Bonnie & David Adams
2008 – Mission Settlement
Elder Adams recently retired after running his own real estate, construction and property management business. He also spent five years serving in Utah Gov. Norman Bangerter’s cabinet as Director of Community and Economic Development. Sister Adams was a homemaker and also worked in the family business. They most recently lived in St. George, Utah.

Peggy & Alan Akin
2008 – Human Resources/Culinary Services
Elder Akin, who had previously been a culinary services consultant for the Center, was assigned to serve in that area; and Sister Akin worked in Human Resources quality control. She previously owned a performing arts school for 25 years, and also taught drama and English in High School. They live in Yakima, Washington.

Bonnie & David Adams
2008 – Physical Facilities/Executive and Culinary Services offices
Elder Denos (pronounced “dennis”), who retired from Church physical facilities management over 18 stakes in Southern California, was assigned to work on PCC’s facilities project planning. The couple lives in Mission Viejo, California.

Gary & Maren Dixon
2008 – Human Resources
Elder Dixon retired as a program manager quality engineer for the NASA Space Shuttle, and she worked in office management and accounting-related fields. They came from Brigham City, Utah, and first met while both serving as young missionaries in Frankfurt, Germany.

George & Lynne Florence
2008 – Motor Pool/Guest Services and Mission Settlement
Elder Florence worked as a small engines repair specialist who retired from teaching trade and industrial arts at the high school and university levels. As a young missionary, he served in Toronto, Canada, under Thomas S. Monson’s leadership. Sister Florence was a homemaker and also operated her own wall covering and wedding décor businesses. They lived in Caldwell, Idaho.

John & Carol Hansen
2008 – Mission Settlement
The Hansens are from Bluffdale (near Salt Lake City), Utah. After he retired as a Church Physical Faciilities supervisor in West and South Jordan, Utah, the couple served as senior records preservation missionaries in Alabama. She was a homemaker and retired after 20 years of custodial work for the Church.

Boyd & Elain Hobbs
2008 – PCC Warehouse
The Hobbs are from Franklin, Idaho. Before retiring, they operated a mink farm and ranch in Cache Valley, Utah, and also frequently visited Laie as part-owners of a home on Hukilau Beach.

Delai & Warren Naillon
2008 – Seamstresses and Mission Settlement/Physical Facilities
The Naillons recently retired: He spent 40 years working for a paper-making company, and she spent 20 years working for an alternative high school. They live in Clatskanie, Oregon (near Portland).

Sharlene & Delbert Nebeker
2008 – Business Office and Mail Room/Quality Assurance
Elder Nebeker, a descendant of the Elder George Nebeker who participated in the purchase of Laie Plantation in 1865, retired as a professor of industrial psychology and previously worked as a personnel researcher for the government. Sister Nebeker worked as an elementary school teacher’s assistant and was also a retail clerk for Deseret Book. They are from San Diego, California.

Steve & Cynthia Pulley
2008 – Mission Settlement
The Pulleys are from Kingwood, Texas.

Vickie & Robert Remund
2008 – Islands Office/Air Conditioning
Elder Remund worked in auxiliary maintenace for 40 years at BYU Provo, and Sister Remund was a nurse. The Remunds also returned as volunteers in 2010 to help with the PCC’s Haunted Lagoon event. His great-grandfather, William Burnett, is believed to be the first Latter-day Saint in New Zealand, where he served in the South Mission as a young man.

Deena & Ken Rex
2008 – Special Projects
The Rexes extended their misison to help with the PCC’s Haunted Lagoon event. Elder Rex previously attended Church College of Hawaii, played on the basketball team and also for the U.S. Air Force, and was a general contractor. Sister Rex, who is part-Hawaiian originally from Honolulu, was a homemaker and recently owned a florist business for 15 years.

Leah & Donald Rieske
2008 – Human Resources/ Safety Compliance
Elder Rieske previously retired as Orem City Fire Department battalion chief after more than 30 years. She was primarily a homemaker, but also worked in the BYU Bookstore and helped part-time in the Alpine School District.

Charlene & Terry Breit
2009 – Human Resources/Maintenance
Elder Breit is a retired mechanical engineer, and Sister Breit worked primarily in the medical profession. Soon after retiring, the Church called him to serve as an assistant engineer in the Nauvoo Temple. They are from Santa Maria, California.

Nancy & Larry Briscoe
2009 – Mission Settlement/Plumbing
Elder Briscoe retired in Huntington Beach, California, as a plumber with 43 years of experience, before arriving in Laie again: He had previously volunteereds as a teenager when his grandfather, Joseph Wilson, oversaw the Church labor mission program in Hawaii. Sister Briscoe, who got married in the Laie Hawaii Temple, worked for a fitness company.

Gil & Sherri Craig
2009 – In-Center Retail/Admin offices and Mission Settlement
Elder Craig has been an entrepreneur who developed three franchises into 170 units

Steven & Janice Downs
2009 – CAD, Physical Facilities/Mission Settlement
Elder Downs retired from a CAD position in California, and Sister Downs retired as a school principal in San Bernardino, California, before their mission. They were living in Cedar City, Utah, at the time of their call. (Granddaughter Morgan Drishinski accompanied them and attended Kahuku High while here.)

Karen & Max Dummar
2009 – Motor Pool
Elder Dummar took a hiatus from his 45-year-career as a high-pressure pump repairman and instructor. Sister Dummar was a homemaker who aslo worked as a wedding planner, did flower decorating for weddings, and owns a home décor store. They lived lived for many years in Bellflower, California.

Roger & Beverly Egget
2009 – Carpenter/Mission Settlement
Elder Eggett was assigned to to serve as a carpenter, and Sister worked in the Mission Settlement. The couple live in Bountiful Utah. He retired after 41 years as a construction manager with the Salt Lake City International Airport, and did carpentry on the side. Sister Eggett worked in teaching, hospitality, and as a representative at the Utah State Legislature.

Susan & Bob Gourley
2009 – PCC Receiving
The Gourleys are from Bountiful, Utah. They previously volunteered with the BYU English Teaching program in Guangzhou, China. Elder Gourley worked for 45 years in industrial rubber sales and is on hiatus from his small industrial supplies business. Sister Gourley retired after teaching elementary education for 21 years in Salt Lake City.

Joan & Jeffrey McDonald
2009 – Mission Settlement/ Maintenance
Elder McDonald previously worked in construction and owned a home improvement business, and Sister McDonald was an elementary teacher for 30 years. She also taught English for international students at BYU–Hawaii. They are from Huntington Beach, California.

LaVelle Moss
2009 – Mission Settlement
Sister Moss, from Orem, Utah, previously retired after 25 years as a BYU art professor, and then volunteered with the BYU English Language teaching program in Qingtao, China. Sister Moss and her late husband also spent four years in England with the Church Educational System helping establish Seminary and Institute programs. Her father, Heber Ridd, was a PCC labor missionary, and she attended CCH for one semester as a young student.

Jolene & Marshall Ogden
2009 – Mission Settlement
The Marshalls came from Boise, Idaho. He is a retired podiatrist, and she worked as a registered nurse, including time at a surgery center they built. As a young man, Elder Ogden was one of the Church’s first missionaries in Papua-New Guinea. The couple has also traveled extensively throughout the Pacific islands.

Steve & Linda Ord
2009 – Accounting/Mission Settlement and Wardrobe
He worked primarily in health care management, including a three-year assignment in American Samoa in the late 1980s, and she was primarily a homemaker. They live in Cottage Grove, Oregon

Kathy & Arnold Palmer
2009 – Mail Room and Mission Settlement/Human Resources
While the Palmers call Kingwood, Texas home, he was born and raised on the Big Island, where his maternal grandparents from the Azores, Portugal, migrated. Elder Palmer retired from a 37-year career working in HR management for Fortunate 500 aerospace companies. She was a homemaker. They previously served part-time in the Houston Bishop’s Storehouse.

Bob & Karen Teel
2009 – Engineering Projects Manager/ Seamstresses
Elder Teel, an electrical engineer, worked as the chief project manager at Disneyland for 10 years. They most recently livied in Pleasant Grove, Utah.

Linda & Delwin Wilson
2009 – Wardrobe and Culinary Services/Physical Facilities
Elder Wilson was a building maintenance mechanic for 26 years for the Church near their home in Ivins, Utah. He was most recently a custodial supervisor in the St. George Temple. Sister Wilson assisted with her husband’s ambulance service business.
2010s Service Missionaries

Stew & Sandra Briskin
2010 – Physical Facilities/Mail Room and Tongan Craft Center
The Briskins, who lived in a wilderness area near Troy, Montana, previously served a Family History Center senior mission in Salt Lake City, and she also served two employment center missions in Sacramento, California.

Don & Joan Glasgow
2010 – Mission Settlement
The Glasgows lived in St. George, Utah, for the previous 12 years and operated a side business as potters. He retired as a school arts teacher, and included some of his water color designs in their creations. She also sold real estate.

Norm & Lynette Haugen
2010 – Mission Settlement
From West Point (near Ogden), Utah, the Haugens both retired from The Boeing Company working out of Hill AFB. Elder Haugen noted he played on the Church College of Hawaii basketball team for one semester in 1961.

Steve & Dawn Johnston
2010 – Welder/Human Resources
They are from El Cajon, California, where Elder Johnston worked for almost 40 years as a heavy equipment repair and welding specialist. She was a preschool and parent-ed teacher for about 20 years.

Don & Charlene Kimball
2010 – Finance Office/Seamstresses and Mission Settlement
From Sandy, Utah, Elder Kimball was born in Honolulu and served a mission in New Zealand. He worked professionally as a CPA and was also a part-owner of a management consulting company. They previously served an inner-city mission in Salt Lake City.

Guy & Carolee Newgren
2010 – Safety Officer/Islands Office
The Newgrens previously served part-time missions with LDS Family Services in Oregon, and also coordinated all the Church service missionaries in Oregon and part of Washington. They lived for years in San Jose, California, before moving to Canby (near Portland), Oregon.

David, Merle & son Ford Rumsey
2010 – Human Resources
The Rumseys, along with their son Ford Rumsey, who volunteered in PCC Culinary Services, are from Houston, Texas. Elder Rumsey retired after 32 years as a Delta pilot. Sister Rumsey was a flight attendant, then a homemaker for their family. They previously served as senior missionaries in the Family History Center in Salt Lake City.

Bob & Sandy Sangster
2010 – Mission Settlement/ Electrical Projects
Elder Sangster was a former electrical contractor in California and Montana. They also owned a cattle ranch in Montana, which they sold to serve on a senior mission in Armenia for four years.

Ralph & Suzanne Watson
2010 – Physical Facilities/Protocol
Elder Watson says he is “not” a retired structural engineer, and Sister Watson worked as office manager in their engineering business. They lived in Cedar City, Utah, and Elder Watson raises and trains “cutting” quarter horses.

Dave & Jackie Allen
2011 – Special Events
The Allens, from Mesa, Arizona, put his early training in commercial art to good use helping stage the PCC Haunted Lagoon and Christmas in Polynesia events that year. Sister Allen was an elementary school teacher, homamaker, and apartment manager.

Janice Boice
2011 – In-House Marketing and PCC History Project
Sister Boice, who had 20 years of video editing experience, arrived home from a full-time mission in Melbourne, Australia before beginning to serve at the Center.

Terri Bultez
2011 – Islands Office, Mission Settlement
Three of Sister Bultez’ daughters previously lived on Oahu, which gave her the opportunity to visit the Center several times earlier. served part-time for two years in the Portland Bishop’s Storehouse. She returned in 2015 to serve a second senior mission at the Center, in the Islands Office.

Linda Davis
2011 – Human Resources and Mail Room
Sister Davis, who has extensive banking experience, is from Draper, Utah. She and her husband previously owned a food industry business, and he’s still active in restaurant and real estate ownership.

Jennie & Nolan Giles
2011 – Seamstresses and Mission Settlement/Construction Projects
The Giles, from Ocean Shores, Washington, previously served their first senior mission six months earlier in Church Headquarters as specialist auditors. She was a BYUH student at the PCC in the 1970s.

Hola & Paul Harber
2011 – Mission Settlement
The Harbers, who are from Las Vegas, had started an 18-month mission in Lodz, Poland, when they were transferred to the PCC. They are from Las Vegas. He previously owned an underground utility construction business, and in addition to being a homemaker, she worked in their real estate development business.

Eddie & Chris Montgomery
2011 – CAD/Islands Office
Elder Montgomery retired as an electrical engineer from Rocky Mountain Power in Salt Lake City after 32 years, and was early on asked to help upgrade the PCC power grid and add a back-up generator. Sister Montgomery has primarily been a homemaker.

Jolene & Don Pugmire
2011 – Seamstresses and Mission Settlement/Human Resources
Elder Pugmire retired after working primarily in health care human relations, and Sister Pugmire was a homemaker. They are both originally from Murray, Utah, but had been living in Midway for the past 15 years.

Steve & Janie Sandberg
2011 – Electrical Projects/Seamstresses and Mission Settlement
The Sandbergs are from Chugiak, Alaska. He spent most of his career in the construction industry, and she was most recently an office manager in a medical practice.

Barb & Frank Schamp
2011 – Warehouse and Town Run
The Schamps came from Southeaster Washington, but also consider themselves “snowbirds” from Benson, Arizona. Elder Schamp has been a truck driver and heavy equipment operator all of his adult life. Sister Schamp has worked in daycare and restaurants.

Warwick & Carol Spiller
2011 – Plumbing/Human Resources
Elder Spiller previously operated his own business manufacturing large water tanks for use across the Southern Hemisphere from near their home in Judgeeraba, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. She was primarily a homemaker for their 12 children. They had been featured several times on Australian TV about “family home evenings.”

Wendell & Lucille Webb
2011 – Motor Pool/Seamstresses
Elder Webb, a welder who also did heavy equipment repairs, previously worked in the construction industry for about 40 years. The couple lived in Snowflake, Arizona, and she taught quilting in Holbrook.

Robert & Lynette Zeeman
2011 – Motor Pool/Human Resources
Elder Zeeman was assigned to small engine and equipment repair. He retired after 32 years of repairing heavy highway construction equipment in Springville, Utah, near their home in Payson. She was primarily a homemaker, but also worked in the auto parts store where they met when he would come in.

Rowena & Don Aina
2012 – Seamstresses/Painting
Elder Aina, who is Hawaiian, and his wife have been living in Forest Grove, Oregon where he taught mathematics and had a quality painting business for about 30 years. Sister Aina, a homemaker, also taught Seminary and was a bookkeeper for the painting business.

Dave & Eddie Bailey
2012 – Culinary Services
Elder and Sister Bailey from Moroni, Utah, were accompanied by their son, “D Bob,” who also served in a variety of assignments. MORE INFO needed.

Laurie & Michael Ballam
Elder Ballam is a renowned opera singer with over 40 years of experience. He founded the Utah Festival Opera and Musical Theatre. He also authored over 40 publications and recordings, and was a professor of music at Utah State University in Logan. Sister Ballam owned a preschool. They were accompanied to Laie by their youngest son, Benjamin.

Gary & Laura Cardno
2012 – Air Conditioning/Seamstresses
The Cardnos are from Langley, BC, Canada. He worked for 20 years as an HVAC technician, and another 10 years managing the maintenance department of a vegetable co-op. Sister Cardno, a homemaker, was also a hairdresser.

Tessie Crummet
2012 – Seamstresses
Sister Crummet is from Raymond, Washington. In addiiton to being a homemaker and home-schooling her six children, she has been a floral designer, artist, and dog trainer.

Naomi & Ron Dummar
2012 – Safety Officers
The Dummars, who are from Heber, Utah, retired after working for the Church Educational System for 31 years. He previously served as a young missionary in Romania.

Lynette Gurr
2012 – Customer Service
Sister Gurr, who ran her own beauty salon from home for 35 years, is from South Jordan, Utah.

Bob & Emma Harris
2012 – Accounting/Protocol
Elder Harris was a former CPA who also owned a business management services company, and Sister Harris was a former secretary and office manager. This is the couple’s fourth senior mission. They live in Salt Lake City, Utah.
After her husband passed away, Sister Harris returned once again in May 2013 to help in the Protocol office.

Cheryl Hubbard
2012 – Seamstresses
Sister Hubbard, who is from Tucson, Arizona, previously worked as a cashier for Hughes Aircraft and as a bank vault teller. She also ran a big sewing machine for a tack-and-saddle company, and was a caregiver for a senior couple, among other things.

Esfira Humphreys
2012 – Islands Office
Sister Humphreys came from Shelton, Washington. In the past she worked as a waitress, hairdresser and accountant. She also plays the violin.

Tanner & Barbara Johns
2012 – Plumbing/Islands Office
The Johns formerly worked in their family plumbing business. They live in Jerome, Idaho.

Grace Lee
2012 – Human Resources
Sister Lee was born in Taiwan and lived there for 33 years, then moved to America and became a textile designer. She worked in that field for 12 years in New York City and previously served a short-term mission in Taiwan. She now lives in Centerville, Utah.

Anna Mahaffey
2012 – Culinary Services
Sister Mahaffeye, who is originally from Maryland but now lives in St. Cloud, Florida, previously had experience in teaching, real estate and food service.

Joyce & Joe Maples
2012 – Special Effects
The Maples lived near Nashville, Tennessee. He spent the more recent 10 years building commercial restaurants and 30 years before that in-newspaper production management companies. She worked in real estate and was a business owner.

Stuart & Charlotte Mikits
2012 – Physical Facilities/Uniform Services
Elder Mikits was a repair machinist for over 30 years at GM and Saturn. Sister Mikits worked in uniform supply. They are from Santa Fe, Tennessee (near Nashville).

Nina & Reed Nielsen
2012 – Seamstresses/Welding
Elder Nielsen taught welding/engineering at Utah State University for 30 years and owned several related businesses. She was primarily a homemaker for their 10 children. They are from Paradise, Utah.

Adeline & Mel Palmer
2012 – Seamstresses & Mission Settlement/Human Resources
The Palmers, who live in Thatcher, Arizona, waited until their youngest child went on his mission, to serve. Elder Palmer loves sports, particularly basketball, and Sister Palmer loves nature. She is also a skilled quilter and painter.

Brent & Kay Pryzbille
2012 – Motor Pool, Safety, Business Office
The Przybilles are from Vernon, BC, Canada. He previously worked in the logging industry and has also been an Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA) professional, while she had been a bookkeeper and homemaker.

Halina Radzik
2012 – Special Projects
Sister Radzik was born in France, raised in Switzerland, and previously worked as a flight attendant and hospital receptionist. In addition to French and English, she also speaks Italian and German.

Gary & Kathy Reynolds
2012 – Motor Pool
The Reynolds come from Idaho Falls, Idaho. He ran a small engines shop for 40 years, and in addition to being a homemaker, she worked in retail, has been a corporate secretary, and also taught piano for 35 years.

Kim Rigby
2012 – Tour Guide
Sister Rigby, who was born and raised in South Korea, now calls Centerville, Utah, home. She previously worked in the Church History Department on the history of the Church in Korea.

Gloria Schick
2012 – Mission Settlement
Sister Schick has a home in Farmington, Utah, and a “home base” at a farm near Spokane, Washington. Earlier in her life, she worked in banking and was also a real estate agent. After her husband passed away, she became president of a production drilling and mining company for a while. She has a private pilot’s license, loves music and plays the ukulele. She also served an earlier proselyting mission in Washington DC North, which included being a tour guide at the visitors Center there.

Darlene Smith
2012 – Human Resources
Sister Smith came from Anchorage, Alaska, where she served for a long time as an elementary school secretary. She also worked with the United Way charitable campaign, and spent a lot of time helping with special events

Kreston & Carol Ann Snow
2012 – Warehouse and Town Run
The Snows, who are from Saratoga Springs, Utah, previously served at a dry pack cannery. Elder Snow has worked as an auto mechanic and also drove large trucks. Sister Smith has been a dental assistant, office manager, and is a professional quilter.

Sharon & ed Swenson
2012 – Mission Settlement
Elder Swenson had previously been an accountant/auditor and owner of a chemical company, while Sister Swenson owned a crafts fair and boutique shop. They live in Kaysville, Utah, and previously served as Temple Square and Conference Center guides for six years, plus one summer at the Granddin Book Store in Palmyra, New York.

Judy & Jay Waite
2012 – PCC Quality Control
The Waites, who are from Logan, Utah, previously lived in the Washington DC area for about 40 years, where he retired from the US Census Bureau as Deputy Director and COO. Sister Waite also helped in the Seamstress department.

Gene & Carol Walker
2012 – Mission Settlement/Human Resources
More recently from Provo, Utah, Elder Walker had been a cattle rancher and chemical analyst with Idaho Nuclear for 27 years, while Sister Walker authored two books and started a successful financial education company. They previously served senior missions in England and Nauvoo.

Carlton & Jan Whelchel
2012 – Mission Settlement
The Whelchel’s are from Palmdale, California. He was a former bookkeeper and professional musician — including 13 years as the principal trumpeter in the Seattle symphony orchestra. She retired after teaching elementary school for 21 years.

Brenda Woods
2012 – Mission Settlement
Sister Woods is a voice teacher who sang with the Tabernacle Choir for 18 years (and sang professional in other places). She also worked in a financial company and as a receptionist.

Glen & Phyllis Anderson
2013 – Plumbing/Seamstresses and BYUH Give & Take
Elder Andersen worked for the Church restoring old plumbing in Nauvoo, Illinois, where they had been living before arriving in Laie. He is also a CDL driver and Ham radio operator. Sister Andersen is a skilled seamstress who has made wedding dresses and custom-fit outfits. They have been living in historic Nauvoo, Illinois.

Rob & Kelly Chalmers
2013 – Mission Settlement
The Chalmers family has Hawaiian roots back to 1800. They now live in Orem, Utah. Elder Chalmers worked for 40 years in the insurance business, and Sister Chalmers enjoys sewing, cooking and crafts. They live in Orem, Utah, and love tossing and play the guitar and ukulele.

Kristin Cherrington
2013 – Seamstresses and Costuming
Sister Cherrington was formerly a kindergarten teacher and homemaker in Orem, Utah.

Cindy Clark
2013 – Laundry and Customer Services
Sister Clark, a former Utah Adult Protective Services investigator, is from St. George where she attended a “seniors ward” who “adopted her” before leaving on her mission.

Denis & Sherlee Cooper
2013 – Electrical Maintenance/Seamstresses and BYUH Give and Take
Elder Cooper was a retired journeyman lineman with over 30 years of experience (overlapping with 26 years in the Army National Guard). They lived in Hyrum, Utah (near Logan).

Mary Lou Erickson
2013 – Islands Office (and BYUH Give and Take)
Sister Erickson, from Rainier, Oregon, previously served in the North British Mission as a young woman. She later worked for Head Start in Washington and loves helping children learn to read.

Linda Fielding
2013 – Seamstresses/Mission Settlement
Sister Fielding, a private school secretary and administrator from Cedar City, Utah, was reassigned from the discontinued Marshallese women’s program in Honolulu.

James & Anne Green
2013 – Painting/Seamstresses
The Greens, who previously served missions to Australia and West Virginia, come from Grayland, Washington. Elder Green, a retired physical therapist, owned a painting contractor business. As a young man, he served a mission in Tahiti.

Dennis & Wynette Greer
2013 – Accounting/ BYUH devotional coordinator
This is the fourth time the Greers have lived in Laie (starting in 1971, he previously taught accounting at BYU–Hawaii). She has been a homemaker.

Gary & Jolene Jaster
2013 – Maintenance and Town Run
Elder Jaster retired from the military and was heavy equipment operator and locomotive operator; Sister Jaster is a homemaker. They are from Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.

Janet Johnson
2013 – Human Resources
Sister Johnson, who is from Ogden, Utah, spent 12-plus years as an events coordinator on Temple Square, before she began her PCC mission. She previously worked in commercial real estate development and was also a hospital volunteer.

Sharon Johnson
2013 – Islands Office
Sister Johnson is a homemaker from Gilbert, Arizona.

Lorna Lewis
2013 – Islands Office/Human Resources
Sister Lewis, who is from Windsor, California, was previously an elementary school teacher and a juvenile probation officer.

Judy & Dave Lunt
2013 – Mission Settlement
The Lunt’s come from Thatcher, Arizona. He retired after 38 years of being a vocal music teacher, mainly at Eastern Arizona College. He also plays string bass, and served in Uruguay as a young missionary, she was a homemaker.

Connie Nance
2013 – Seamstresses
Sister Nance, a retired beautician from Morgan, Utah also served at BYUH’s Give and Take area.

Grant & Marlene Nielson
2013 – Physical Facilities/Mission Settlement
Elder Nielson, a retired electrical contractor with 40 years of experience, and Sister Nielson is a registered nurse and childbirth educator. They are originally from around Blanding, Utah, but have been in Arizona for over 40 years and now live in Mesa.

Bruce Petty
2013 – Plumbing/Human Resources
Elder Petty, who co-owned a fountains and water features business, and Sister Petty, a protocol secretary and licensed professional counselor, lived in McKinney, Texas.

Julie & Bob Phillips
2013 – Islands Office/Physical Facilities
Elder Phillips, who learned surveying in the Air Force, and Sister Phillips come from San Tan, Arizona (near Mesa). They previously owned a land surveying company, and she served a Welfare Services mission in The Philippines.

Bill & Stacey Pollock
2013 – Human Resources
The Pollocks are from Ephraim, Utah. He retired after 37 years from teaching Seminary and Institute, while she had been a homemaker and bookstore text manager at Snow College

Chris Price
2013 – Human Resources/Mission Settlement
Sister Price, a former schoolteacher with 25 years of experience from Pleasant View, Utah, previously served in the Rochester New York Mission office.

Jolene Smith
2013 – Seamstresses and Costuming
Sister Smiith, who is from Rexburg, Idaho, taught fashion, apparel design and construction at BYU–Idaho for over 30 years. She also operated a home-based sewing and design business, and she previously served missions in Oregon and Toronto, Canada.

Elisabeth Tisdel
2013 – Mission Settlement
Sister Tisdel, who had previous missionary experience in Europe and volunteered in the BYU China English Teachers Program, is from Santa Barbara, California. She had been serving in the Marshallese women’s program in Honolulu when she was reassigned to the PCC.

Cathy & Ron Tremeal
2013 – Protocol/Finance
Elder Tremeal retired from the University of Utah as associate vice president of finance and accounting. He also taught a personal finance course while there. Besides being a homemaker, Sister Tremeal has worked as a secretary. They are from St. George, Utah.

Teresa Wang
2013 – Mission Settlement/Guest Services
Sister Wang (pronounced “Wong”) is from South Jordan, Utah. She previously served a mission in Japan, taught English in Japan and Taiwan, and also taught third grade in Pleasant Grove for the seven years before starting her senior mission.

Dave & Bobbie Beagley
2014 – iWork
The Beagley’s, who live in Pleasant Grove, Utah. Elder Beagley was a CES educator and also owned an LDS travel company. Sister Beagley was a homemaker and loves to spoil her missionary friends and students with her well-known cinnamon bread.

Patricia Ann Bisson
2014 – Administrative Assistant
Sister Bisson, moved to Katy, Texas after living in Oroville, California, for over 40 years. She worked for 25 years as an administrative assistant in a public school.

Maxine Cummings
2014 – Human Resources
Sister Cummings attended Church College of Hawaii as a young woman (when she met her future husband, who was serving in the Navy). She retired from doing administration in the Facilities Management Office in Lindon, Utah, and then served as a guest services missionary for Temple Square for three years. She lives in Orem, Utah.

Sheila Despain
2014 – (more information needed)
Sister Despain, in addition to being a homemaker for her large family, formerly worked as a pharmacy technician for 15 years and then as an office manager for a mental health counselor. She is from Moses Lake, Washington.

Luzdininda 'Luz' Flores
2014 – Mission Settlement
Sister Flores is originally from The Philippines and attended the Church College of Hawaii. She and her husband settled in Riverton, Utah, after attending graduate school at BYU.

Nālani & Carl Fonoimoana
2014 – Mission Settlement
The Fonoimoana both have strong Laie heritage, but lived in Azusa, California for years before returning on their mission. Elder Fonoimoana also previously worked in PCC executive management. They formerly served as temple missionaries in Samoa. (Sister Fonoimoana passed away in 2016.)

Terry & Ellen Johnson
2014 – Physical Facilities/Seamstresses and Mission Settlement
Elder Johnson served a mission among the Northern Plains Indians as a young man and was adopted by the Sioux Assiniboine Tribe. He owned a contracting business for 48 years. Sister Johnson was a homemaker. They live in Smithfield, Utah.

Ron & Nina Jones
2014 – Physical Facilities/Marketing
Elder Jones has worked in HVAC and as an electrician, and Sister Jones has worked in webpage design and video. After they returned to their home in Sequim, Washington, they returned to live in Laie and as volunteers at the Center. Sister Jones has since been hired in digital commerce.

Karen & Bob Martineau
2014 – Seamstresses/Physical Facilities
Elder Martineau worked for 32 years at a power plant. He was also a farmer, millwright for a sawmill and home builder. Sister Martineau is a licensed massage therapist. They live in Joseph City, Arizona.

Gloria Miller
2014 – Marketing
Sister Miller, who is part-Māori from Whangarei, New Zealand, used to coordinate sports programs for 1,200 high school students as well as run half-marathons and water ski with a single ski.

Chris & Ken Mills
2014 – Cash Room/Plumbing
Sister Miller has 30 years of banking experience, and Elder Miller was a master plumber and general contractor. They live in the Mill Creek area of Salt Lake City, Utah.

Deanna Miyasaki
2014 – Uniform Services
Sister Miyasaki, who is from Queen Creek, Arizona, has worked as an accounting secretary, medical assistant and back-office manager for a podiatrist.

Jane & Ken Naylor
2014 – Finance Office/Architect
The Naylors live in Park City, Utah. She is a CPA, and besides being an architect, he served for 21 years in the Army Reserve.

Faye Nielsen
2014 – Islands Office
In addition to homemaking for her own family, Sister Nielsen taught home economics for 30 years in Rosemead, California, before retiring.

Beverly & Robert Painter
2014 – Seamstresses/Safety
Sister Painter was a cook and baker in a school lunch program and will divide her time between the PCC Seamstresses and working with her husband, Elder Painter, in the Safety office. He formerly worked in law enforcement.

Peggy Ann Parks
2014 – Seamstresses and Islands Office
Sister Parks lives in Taylor, Arizona, where she taught in 4-H and ran a preschool in her home.

Angelyn Pearson
2014 – Islands Office
Sister Pearson came from Springwell Village, Gatesherad, Tynes & Wear, England. One of her children was attending BYUH at the time of her call. Earlier, she worked as an elementary teacher, nursery teacher, and as a special needs support worker.

Nancy & Wayne Ricks
2014 – Seamstresses and Mission Settlement/ Physical Facilities HVAC
The Ricks, from Lehi, Utah, previously served as Guest Services missionaries at Temple Square for four-and-a-half years. He is a handyman skilled at fixing practically anything, and she has been a homemaker

Mary & Paul Robinson
2014 – Mail Room/Finance office/PCC Quality Control Specialist
The Robinsons came from Highland, Utah. He formerly worked in quality control for Beehive Clothing, and she was a homemaker.

Susan & Phil Robinson
2014 – Human Resources/Physical Facilities
Sister Robinson has done a lot of event planning, floral design, catering, and interior design. Elder Robinson spent most of his working life as a general building contractor and is a legitimate “handy man.” They have also been involved in various humanitarian projects.

Suzanne Tilley
2014 – Uniform Supply
Sister Tilley formerly attended BYU–Hawaii and also lived on Maui for six years, where she belonged to the Kihei outrigger canoe club. She’s originally from Canada and now lives in Ridgeway, Colorado. She has experience in office administration, customer service, sales, and managed her own business.

Anna Young
2014 – Mission Settlement
Sister Young, who came from Orem, Utah, was born in Taiwan and speaks fluent Mandarin. She previously taught English for foreign students at a community college in Nevada, and was a third-grade teacher and worked with the Catholic Charities refugee program.

Sharlene Billings
2015 – Human Resources
Sister Billings, who comes from Vernal, Utah, previously had office experience and worked as a motel manager. She was an also homemaker who enjoyed her first mission at the PCC so much that she “re-upped” for a second “tour.”

Louisa Bracewell
2015 – Tongan Village
Sister Bracewell, who is originally from Tonga and attended the Church College of Hawaii, was a homemaker and drove buses for the Utah Transit Authority for the past 26 years. She now lives in West Valley City, Utah.

Sara Lee Busson
2015 – Seamstresses/Wardrobe
Sister Busson, who is from Idaho Falls, Idaho, previously worked for the City of Los Angeles in Social Work.

Terri & Richard Carpenter
2015 – Warehouse/Nursery
Elder Carpenter is an instrument technician, and Sister Carpenter was a receptionist and owned a housekeeping business. They love gardening and have also done beekeeping. He previously served in the Ontario-Quebec Canadian Mission.

Kathleen & George Clarke
2015 – Cash Room/Safety Officer
Sister Clarke was an elementary school teacher for 35 years, and Elder Clarke — a retired Navy submariner and manager — retired from the DOE National Lab (Radiation Safety) in Idaho Falls, Idaho. They previously served a senior mission in Tacoma, Washington, and now live in Idaho Falls.

Tasi Clausen
2015 – Samoan Village
Sister Clausen, who is originally from Samoa, now lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. She moved to Hawaii from Samoa when she was 18 and remembers working in the pineapple fields in those days. When her husband passed away, she returned to Samoa for a while

Kathy & Mel Conley
2015 – Quality Assurance Specialists
The Conleys come from Arvada, Colorado. She worked as a telemetry registered nurse at a hospital, and he worked for a mental health company interpreting surveys. Elder Conley previously served a stay-at-home service mission in a dry-pack cannery.

Paul & Louse Crookston
2015 – Electrical Engineer
In addition to being an electrical engineer, Elder Crookston is a ham radio operator and has taught emergency preparedness. Sister Crookston was a clinical social worker, elementary school teacher, and an adjunct professor at BYU. She has also counseled missionaries.

Leon & Lina Crowley
2015 – Motor Pool/Human Resources and Marketing
Two of the Crowley’s eight children were born in Samoa while Elder Crowley taught wood shop there at the Church school. In fact, they recently returned as temple missionaries there. Elder Crowley owned a transmission repair business for 35 years, while Sister Crowley divided her time among HR, answering written complains, and producing the employee newsletter. They are from West Jordan, Utah.

Donna Daniels
2015 – Mission Settlement
Sister Daniels is a former elementary and preschool teacher, who also lived in Taiwan and Japan for six years. She previously owned a wedding flower business and has done fresh and silk floral design. She lives in Bothell, Washington.

Virginia Davis
2015 – Seamstresses and Wardrobe
Sister Davis, who is from Salem, Oregon, formerly worked in banking and also as a secretary to the LDS Area Director and CES auditor. In addition, she and a friend owned an event and catering business.

Linda & Alan Delahunty
2015 – PCC Warehouse and Town Run
The Delahunty’s are from Draper, Utah. He owned and operated a floor covering business; she was a homemaker.

Carolyn Gabbitas
2015 – Seamstress
Sister Gabbitas, whose brother and sisters-in-law were simultaneously serving at the PCC, is originally from Utah but lived in Arizona for more than 40 years.

Michelle & ALAN Glaus
2015 – Update Editor/Theater tech systems
Elder Glaus, who lived in Laie in the early 1960s when his father was general manager of the Polynesian Cultural Center, formerly worked on temple audio/visual systems and was involved in semiconductor designs in the US, Thailand and Taiwan. Sister Glaus has extensive experience working as an activity’s director and box office manager and promotional materials. They live in San Tan, Arizona.

Susan & Lowell Hafen
2015 – Islands Office/Electrician
Besides being an electrician, Elder Hafen has worked in production at a chemical plant as well as tire sales and repairs. He also served as a young man in Chile. Sister Hafen has been a homemaker. They live in Henderson, Nevada.

Gary & Patsy Jenkins
2015 – Plumber/Seamstresses
Elder Jenkins worked for a family plumbing business before coming to the Center, and Sister Jenkins was a hairdresser who owned a salon for six years. She also managed a toy and doll shop. They are from Salt Lake City, Utah.

Lanny & Arlene Lewis
2015 – Cabinet Making/Hukilau Marketplace Retail
The Lewies’s, who own three companies, live in Tremonton, Utah. Sister Lewis has also worked extensively in retail sales and owned a beauty salon.

Lynne & Patsy Mercer
2015 – Finance Officer
The Mercers completed a proselyting mission in Ogden, Utah, before being called to the PCC. Elder Mercer also served as a young man in Southern Australia. He operated his own consulting firm, working with individuals and small businesses. Sister Mercer worked for the family business.

Carolyn Mildenhall
2015 – Mission Settlement
Sister Mildenhall is from Roswell, Georgia. She plays the piano and organ and plans to learn to play the ukulele. She has been a homemaker and is the younger sister of former Laie Hawaii Temple Visitors’ Center director Elder Priday.

Sally Oostyen
2015 – Quality Control & Nursery
Sister Oostyen is from North Ogden, Utah.

Mike & Freeda Schofield
2015 – Human Resources
Elder Schofield is a CPA and Sister Schofield has also worked in accounting, and they served an earlier senior mission in the Church Controller’s Office in Salt Lake City. While at the Center, they helped with a new payroll system. The Schoefield’s live in West Linn (Portland), Oregon.

Dawn Shaw
2015 – Human Resources
Sister Shaw, who has lived in Tremonton, Utah, for most of her life, formerly worked as a medical assistant in a family practice office. She also served a part-time in the Utah Ogden Mission.

Faie Shoemaker
2015 – Mission Settlement
Sister Shoemaker, who came from Mesa, Arizona, plays the violin and piano, and helped teach the ukulele at the Mission Settlement. She previously taught music and orchestra in grade schools.

Beverly Wilkinson
2015 – Human Resources
Sister Wilkinson, who came from Salt Lake City, Utah, owned a bakery, ran retail stores, and worked at the front desk of dental, charter school and law offices before arriving in Laie.

Susan & Bob Woods
2015 – Culinary Services & Nursery/Human Resources &Senior Missionary Coordinator
Elder Woods is a former director of administrative services for LDS Philanthropies, which brought him to the Center many times. He retired after 38 years. Sister Woods had been teaching Welsh at BYU and has published four books. She will also create silk flower arrangements for Culinary Services and various office venues, and work in the nursery.

Michael & Louise Young
2015 – Mission Settlement
Elder Young was a program supervisor for Utah Job Services and a blacksmith for a historical western center. He also plays guitar and ukulele, which he will teach in the School House. Sister Young was a high school teacher, taught at Utah State University, and was also director of the USU alumni center. They served earlier in the Illinois Nauvoo Mission, and live in Smithfield, Utah.

Christine Atkin
2016 – Seamstresses and Wardrobe
Sister Atkin, a homemaker from Beaver, Utah, worked as a seamstress and in a school kitchen. She is also skilled at quilting.

Susan & James Aulestia
2016 – Seamstresses/Architect
The Aulestias come from Meridian, Idaho (and also have homes in Virginia and Washington State. He previously served as a young missionary in Ecuador, and as a mission and MTC president in Peru. Sister Aulestia served missions in New Jersey and Peru, and they served together in Nauvoo, Illinois.

Polly Beach
2016 – Human Resources
In addition to being a homemaker, Sister Beach has worked as a diagnostic imaging office manager for 25 years. She is from Gilbert, Arizona.

Sally & Don Biohm
2016 – Seamstresses and Mission Settlement/Executive Vice President
Elder Blohm, who has substantial experience in many companies, served as executive vice president on the PCC President’s Council. Sister Blohm, a homemaker, loves sewing and cake decorating. They live in Highland, Utah.

Kathryn Bright
2016 – Human Resources training and orientation
Sister Bright, who came from Lewiston, Utah, was a homemaker, elementary school teacher for 30 years, school principal for six more years, and retired as a teacher trainer.

Taiana Wolfgramm Brown
2016 – Tongan Village/Seamstresses
Sister Brown, who is originally from Tonga, helped build the PCC as a labor missionary with her husband. The couple returned to Tonga for several years, then moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, where she was a homemaker for her extensive family. She also worked at a computer company and as a nurse’s aide.

William & Mary Jane Card
2016 – iWork
Elder Card, a musician, spent 37 years as an educational band director and assistant to the superintendent. Sister Card was a schoolteacher. The Cards are from Arcadia, California.

Jean-Michel & Lindy Carlson
2016 – Tahitian Village
Elder Jean-Michel Carlson, who is originally from Tahiti, worked as a national marketing manager there and also served in church leadership. He attended BYU–Hawaii and worked as a student at the PCC where he met his wife. Sister Carlson, who is part-Samoan, is a homemaker and operated a business focusing on helping young Tahitian students before their mission. She grew up in Laie and her mother (the late Marilyn Fonoimoana) played a key role in promoting the statue of Hamana Kalili at the Center. The Carlsons live in Tipaenui (near Papeete), Tahiti.

Renae & Randy Coleman
2016 – Mail Room and Housing/Finance
The Colemans are from North Logan, Utah. She worked as a business manager and documentation specialist. He worked in the controller’s office at Utah State University and was the USU director of treasury services.

Catherine Cranmer
2016 – Seamstresses and Wardrobe
Sister Cranmer was a schoolteacher for 20 years and a homemaker for 20 years in Rexburg, Idaho.

Paula & Robert Decker
2016 – iWork
The Deckers are from Cedar Falls, Iowa. Sister Decker has been a teacher and a dancer in the past. Elder Decker was also a teacher and a university professor. They both served in the Nauvoo Illinois Temple, and Sister Decker was a cast member in the “City of Joseph” pageant at the temple.

Diane Dykman
2016 – Islands Office
Sister Dykman, who comes from Sun Lakes, Arizona, worked 20 years for the Federal Reserve Bank in Salt Lake City and has traveled extensively. She previously served as a senior missionary at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City.

Sandra & Ted Gabbitas
2016 -Admin Offices/Finance Office
Elder Gabbitas, who served a mission in Samoa as a young man, has also lived there with his family three other times. He is a CPA. His wife was a nurse and schoolteacher. They now live in Redondo Beach, California.

Gail & Worthy Glover
2016 – Mission Settlement and Ukulele Experience
Elder Glover, a musician, worked for the State of Utah helping coordinate services for people with disabilities. He served as a young missionary among the Navajos and has maintained his language skills. Sister Glover was the Dean of Students at the College of Eastern Utah-San Juan Campus. They live in Blanding, Utah

Annette & VerNon Griffeth
2016 – Protocol/Purchasing
Elder Griffeths previously served as an LDS Chaplain for 30 years with the Navy and Marine Corps. He also previously worked as a purchasing administrator for Davis County, Utah. Sister Griffeth has been a homemaker. They now live in St. George, Utah.

Angela & Terry Hastings
2016 – Retail sewing/Retail Sales
The Hastings live in Afton, Wyoming. After he served in the Air Force, they bought a three-generation hardware, lumber and gift business, which they ran for many years. He also served as a young missionary in France and Belgium.

Wes & Kathy
2016 – Plumbing/Purchasing
Elder Himle, a master plumber, also worked as a radiologic technician, in law enforcement, and owned an ice cream parlor before coming to PCC. Sister Himle was a professor, and certified Novell engineer. They come from West Jordan, Utah.

Douglas & Kathryn Humphries
2016 – Electrician/Facilities Office
The Humphries came from Diamond Ville, Wyoming. In addition to being an electrician, Elder Humphries was a heavy equipment operator and school bus driver. Sister Humphries was also a school bus driver and trainer, an administrative assistant, and a third-party examiner for the State of Wyoming.

Linda Hutchings
2016 – PCC Update
Sister Hutchings from Springville, Utah.

Whitney Kelson
2016 – Human Resources
Sister Kelson, who is from Damascus, Oregon, oversaw the library at her children’s elementary school for 22 years before coming to the Center.

Sue Ann Long
2016 – PCC Archiving
Sister Long, who as a student was a baton twirler for the BYU marching band, came from Provo, Utah, as a cultural specialist missionary to help preserve the PCC archives. She previously did similar work for LDS Philanthropies, digitizing 40-years of fundraising experiences.

Danna & Dee Mabey
2016 – iWork
The Mabey’s, from Surprise, Arizona, are marathon runners and have previously served missions in Hawaii and on Kirimati Island (in Kiribati). In addition to being a homemaker for a large family, she has skills in office work, bookkeeping, and licensing. He was a grocery manager, transmission repairman and worked in sales.

Sharon Mason
2016 – Guest Services
Sister Mason is originally from southern Connecticut but now lives in Orem, Utah. She has experience in legal advertising, as a chiropractic assistant, and managed a natural health clinic. She has also done some writing.

John & Seluvaia Nāpulou
2016 – Tongan Village
The Nāpulous, who came from Kahuku, are originally from Tonga.
Elder John and Sister Selu Nāpulou are from Kailua Kona, Hawaii. Elder Nāpulou is a native Hawaiian and is serving in the Hawaiian Village. Sister Nāpulou is a Tongan and serves in the Tongan Village. They expect to be here until June 2018.

Cecily Nelson
2016 – Retail Sales and Mission Settlement
Sister Nelson, who is from Layton, Utah, was born in Canada and moved to the U.S. after graduating from university. She then worked as a stockbroker in New York, managed the gift department at ZCMI, was a homemaker, and taught special education for 25 years.

Arlene & Rick Newcomb
2016 – Retail Sales and Mission Settlement
Sister Newcomb has worked as an art teacher, doll clothes designer, seamstress and illustrator. Elder Newcomb was a production controller, management analyst, consultant and instructor for leadership development, and an Army region food supervisor. They live in Saratoga Springs, Utah.

Deborah Romney
2016 – Marketing (Guest Letters)
Sister Romney came from San Diego, California. She served a proselyting mission as a young woman in New Zealand, and more recently served in the Nauvoo Mission, the San Diego Employment Office, and the Richmond Virginia Mission office. She also sang in the Tabernacle Choir and has been involved in musical productions.

Nina Russell
2016 – Mahinalani Store/Ukulele Experience
Sister Russell, who is from Tehachapi (Bakersfield), California, retired after 50 years of experience teaching high school girls, fifth and sixth grades, and also in music programs. She has also been involved in city softball leagues for several years.

Patsy Salabye
2016 – Seamstresses and Costumes
Sister Salabye, a Native American (Navajo) from Winslow, Arizona, has worked as a homemaker, cosmetologist and dental assistant.

Alma Schneider
2016 – Uniform Supply
Sister Schneider has primarily worked as a homemaker but volunteered at the USO in Washington — where she lives in Kent — and also at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Jean & Spring Seiler
2016 – Marketing/Retail sales
The Seiler’s came from Tropic, Utah (near Bryce Canyon), where Elder Seiler was a marketing manager, city manager and mayor for 12 years. Sister Seiler worked as a retail buyer, manufacturer’s rep, and also in public relations.

Paul & Christa Stokes
2016 – Mission Settlement
The Stokes come from Centerville, Utah. Elder Stokes, who worked ih retail and as an account exec with the phone company, is skilled at playing the pump organ and ukulele. Sister Stokes was a medical assistant.

Kathleen & Gerald Stott
2016 – Retail sales/Plumbing
In addition to being a homemaker, Sister Stott worked in their family plumbing business, retail, and operated her own scrapbook store for 19 years. Elder Stott has been a plumber who specialized in heating, air and backflow. They previously served an inner-city mission in Salt Lake City, Utah, where they have been living.

Michael & Shauna Theobald
2016 – Human Resources/Training
Elder Theobald spent 36 years working in human resources, including 28 years at Church Headquarters. Sister Theobald has been a homemaker and also worked for 16 years in small businesses and entrepreneurship. They live in Orem, Utah.

Hal & Colleen Williams
2016 – Finance/Retail sales
Elder Williams worked as a CPA, and Sister Williams was a bank executive back home in Orange, California. Sister Williams.

Simaima Alofipa
2017 – Samoan Village
Sister Alofipō, who is originally from Samoa, now lives in West Valley City, Utah. In addition to being a young missionary in her home islands, Sister Alofipō also served missions at the Appointment Resource Center in The Philippines and the Washington DC Temple. Her son, Jerome Ulu’ave, was previously PCC vice president of Physical Facilities.

Craig & Debbie Ames
2017 – Architect/Seamstresses, Mission Settlement
Elder Ames retired as an architect after 44 years while Sister Ames, a homemaker who enjoys quilting, also worked as a team leader for Days for Girls International. They live in Murray, Utah.

Pogai Amosa
2017 – Samoan Village, Islands Office
Sister Amosa, who is from West Valley City, Utah, was a homemaker and a serious family history practitioner who completed temple work for hundreds of people before starting her mission at the PCC.

Kimberly Applegarth
2017 – Human Resources
Sister Applegarth, who is from East Wenatchee, Washington, was a homemaker and also worked as a bakery outlet store manager before her mission.

Raeola Baker
2017 – Mission Settlement
Sister Baker, who is from Magrath, Alberta, Canada, previously taught first grade for 29 years and helped her family run their farming and ranching operations where she said she made many cattle drive memories. She enjoys handicrafts, including quilting, and outdoor activities.

Jean & Williams Baker
2017 – Mission Settlement
Sister Baker has been a homemaker for their large family. Elder Baker taught business communications at BUY Provo for 40 years. He has authored college textbooks and is also a skilled ukulele player. They previously served in the Romania Moldova Mission office. They live in Springville, Utah.
2020s Service Missionaries

John & Carol Allred
2020 – Theater/Seamstress and Wadrobe
Elder Allred working with Theater sound, lighting and props. He came with experience in electronics, instrumentation and as a general contractor. She made and maintained costumes for the performers, was a homemaker, taught piano lessons, and later worked as a substitute teacher. They are from Lehi, Utah.

Barbara & Earl Bradley
2020 – Woodcarvers/Electrician
Sister Bradley’s sculpting talents include wood carving. Elder Bradley, an electrician, is also a skilled cowboy and bluegrass musician. They live in Logan, Utah.

Virginia Lavell Johnston
2020 – Maori Village
Sister Johnston served as a weaver for 17 months before CoviD-19 “sent her home” to New Zealand early. She learned traditional weaving skills from master weaver John Bailey, who worked in the village. She also designed a weaving depicting the Laie Hawaii Temple in commemoration of its 100-year anniversary.

Juel & Craig Miller
2020 – Wardrobe/Physical Facilities
Sister Miller, who is from Sharon, Vermont, was employed as a medical assistant and a seamstress. Elder Miller, a retired Army officer after 25 years, worked afterward at Deseret Industries and as a golf tour coordinator. They are from Gilbert, Arizona.

Cindy Myrup
2020 – Mission Settlement
Sister Myrup, formerly a reading teacher, was assigned to the Settlement during a time when the missionaries sewed things for sale. When the focus changed, she taught guests the Hawaiian alphabet, history, quilting basics, and about the printing press. She returned to her home in Lehi, Utah.

Jay & Deanna Smith
2020 – Air-conditioning/First Aid and Culinary Services Warehouse
Sister Myrup, formerly a reading teacher, was assigned to the Settlement during a time when the missionaries sewed things for sale. When the focus changed, she taught guests the Hawaiian alphabet, history, quilting basics, and about the printing press. She returned to her home in Lehi, Utah.

John & Marilee Swickard
2020 – Documented COVID Closure
The Swickards returned to visit the PCC in 2020. They originally came to Laie as labor missionaries in their youth. Elder Swickard worked to build the Temple Visitors Center and the Polynesian Cultural Center.

Brent & Ilene Barton
2021 – HR Training and Development/Goo’s Plantation
Elder Barton worked with the President’s Council reassessing and revising the PCC Cultural Beliefs. He also reviswed the employee handbook and trained employees how to implement changes in work performance. Sister Barton worked with her husband in the “Genuine Gold” program. They live in Alpine, Utah.

Steve & Teri Ellen Burns
2021 – Culinary Services Maintenance/Retail Warehouse
The Burns, who are from Bountiful, Utah, retired as owners of a mobile auto equipment business before their mission. She was also a temple workers and piano teacher.

Jeri Black
2021 – Mission Settlement
Elder Barton worked with the President’s Council reassessing and revising the PCC Cultural Beliefs. He also reviswed the employee handbook and trained employees how to implement changes in work performance. Sister Barton worked with her husband in the “Genuine Gold” program. They live in Alpine, Utah.

Shirley Nelson
2021 – Goo’s Plantation Store
Sister Nelson arrived in Laie 16 days before being sent home during the COVID-19 closurte. She returned in January 2021, one week before the Center reopened. She has returned again to her home in Laguna Niguel, California.

Cynde Norr
2021 – Luau Coordinator
Sister Norr, who is from St. George, Utah, recently retired from a recreational equipment company where she was a buyer for all locations and online sales.

Louise & Martin Peterson
2021 – Senior missionary coordinators
Elder and Sister Peterson were reassigned to the PCC after the COVID pandemic sent them home from Hong Kong where they had been serving as member-leadership missionaries. They returned to their home in Hyde Park, Utah.

Debbie Proctor
2021 – Seamstresses and Wardrobe
Sister Proctor, who was a Utah State University county extension agent and state 4-H staff member, returned home seven weeks after she arrived when COVID-19 closed the PCC. She return in May 2021, and is now home in Heber city, Utah.

Kristine Saunders
2021 – PCC History Project
Sister Saunders served 7 of a 23 month mission and was sent home when COVID closed the Center. She returned in 2021 to work with the PCC archive project. She interview PCC senior management and wrote their story for the PCC history and did the same with Senior missionaries going home. She wrote the weekly newsletter for Senior missionaries for 56 weeks. She worked with author Britsch with his history of PCC. She returned to Salt Lake City.

Kathy & Ronald Taylor
2021 – Food purchasing/Electrician
Friends who had previously served at the Center enrouged the Taylors to follow in their footsteps, but it took several decades before they came. Sister Taylor has been a homemaker, family history consultant, and served a mission providing worldwide family history support. Elder Taylor was an electrician for 35 years and also worked remodeling homes. They are from Portland, Oregon.

Jeff & Pam Arnett
2022 – Mahinalani Ukulele Experience
Elder, who taught music for 40 years, also taught and repaired instruments in the Ukulele Experience. Sister Arnett, a retired home economics teacher, worked in the art and jewelry section of the store. They returned to their home in Gilbert, Arizona.

Doug & Shari Baker
2022 – Plumber/Retail Sales
Elder and Sister Baker came to PCC as newlyweds from Alberta, Canada. Elder Baker learned the plumbing business from his father. Sister Baker has a degree in psychology and worked in holistic health.

Cathy & Selby Bearry
2022 – Tutu’s/Facilities Management
Elder Bearry is a retired electrical contractor and worked with energy conservation practices that saved the Center money. Sister Bearry worked making fudge in Tutu’s Sweet Shop in Hukilau Marketplace with young students. They returned to their home in Auburn, California.

Arlaine Bell
2022 – PCC Project Manager
Sister Bell, who is from Willard, Missouri, retired as a project manager for the Church, with 30 years of experience, then after receiving her mission call waited for almost one year during the Covid-19 “shutdown” to do similar work at the Center.

Linda Bell
2022 – Seamstresses and Wardrobe
Sister Bell came to the Center after serving eight summers as a seamstress in Nauvoo. She served in the PCC seamstress/wardrobe departments. She was a great cook and enjoyed sharing food with coworkers and the young missionaries. She returned to her home in Saratoga Springs, Utah.

Diane & Matthew Bjarnson
2022 – Mission Settlement Retail/Electrician
The Bjarnsons now live in Midvaloe, Utah. Elder Bjarnson worked as a an electrical contractor for 35 years before retiring, and Sister Bjarnson was a homemaker and caregiver. They both also served as young missionaries.

Gayle & Scott Bleak
2022 – Ukulele Experience/Architect
The Bleaks are from Bountiful, Utah. She previously taught music in elementary schools, and he was a design architect for the Church for 26 years; for example, he was head architect for the renovation of the Salt Lake Temple, and worked on the Payson Utah, Cedar City and other temples.

Gloria & Phil Bowman
2022 – Marketing Strategic Development and Research
The Bowmans are from McCall, Idaho (near Boise). He retired as a professional data analyst for large corporations, and they were assigned to do similar work at the Center, including training BYU–Hawaii interns to survey and measure guest experiences and satisfaction. Participating interns reported their PCC experience helped them get hired after graduation, and BYUH has asked the Center to include more interns. The Bowmans also analyzed videos of the guests.

Mark & Lee Bromley
2022 – Carvers/Woodshop
Elder Bromley taught biology for 42 years, 3 times in Africa and India. He enjoys building furniture and is an avid naturalist. Sister Bromley is a retired R.N. and administrator. She brings her training as an architectural woodcarver to the PCC and also gardening, sewing and quilting.
The Bromleys both attended BYU and have served in many church callings. One they loved was serving in the Branch Presidency at the State Prison for Women. They have 6 children and 13 grandchildren and are from Sandy, UT.

Alofa Brown
2022 – Samoan Village
Sister Brown, who is originally from American Samoa where her family was in the bakery busineess, is now a weaver. She lives in Salt Lake City. She served two prior missions: in Samoa-Apia, and an inner-city mission.

Valorie & Dahlin Douglas
2022 – Marketplace Handyman/ Seamstresses, Wardrobe & Uniforms
The Dahlins live in Idaho Falls, Idaho, where he was a master carpenter. At the Center he did high-quality work in the Marketplace and the islands. (He was also well-known for sharing his homemade ice cream.) Sister Dahlin, formerly a sewing teacher in a fabric store, spent long many long hours serving in the uniform department, and “they were helpful and generous everywhere,” a supervisor said.

Denise & Mark DeHart
2022 – Nursery/Farm
Elder and Sister DeHart owned and operated Emerald Turf Farms for the past 44 years. They both love to fly and take turns piloting and navigating. The DeHarts served in a Mental Health Branch before coming to Laie and loved it. Elder DeHart served a junior mission in New Zealand. The couple has 4 children and are from Payson, Utah.

Barbara Dennis
2022 – Mail room
Sister Dennis, who is from Ogden, Utah, worked in financial services and office management before her mission. She also worked for her son doing catering in a Chik-Fil-A restaurant. In addition to her service at the Center, she volunteered teaching English to international BYUH students.

Kim Ferreira
2022 – Culinary Services
Sis Ferreira, a former flight attendant from Arizona, served in the Culinary Services department and was also well-known for helping to train employees in all of the food service outlets in the island shops.

Kristine Forsythe
2022 – Nursery/ Farm
Sister Forsythe was raised on a ranch and has lived most of her life in Texas. She is currently from Provo, Utah. Sister Forsythe served a junior mission in Costa Rica, San Jose Mission and for many years in the Boy Scouts. She enjoys animals, plants, singing in a choir and learning to cook new things. She has three sons.

Ubah Anderson
2022 – Mission Settlement/History
After Sister Anderson was released during the Covid-19 “furlough,” she noticed her position was still “open,” and has been “recalled” to the Center. She lives in Pleasant Grove, Utah.

Ubah Anderson
2022 – Mission Settlement/History
After Sister Anderson was released during the Covid-19 “furlough,” she noticed her position was still “open,” and has been “recalled” to the Center. She lives in Pleasant Grove, Utah.

Ubah Anderson
2022 – Mission Settlement/History
After Sister Anderson was released during the Covid-19 “furlough,” she noticed her position was still “open,” and has been “recalled” to the Center. She lives in Pleasant Grove, Utah.

Ubah Anderson
2022 – Mission Settlement/History
After Sister Anderson was released during the Covid-19 “furlough,” she noticed her position was still “open,” and has been “recalled” to the Center. She lives in Pleasant Grove, Utah.